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We have weekly Bible Study and Prayer every Thursday and Service every Sunday.

Audio Ministry

Responsible for recording and duplicating messages at every scheduled service including setting up and taking down all audio equipment.

Book and Tape Ministry

Sells and distributes Pastor and First Lady’s messages and other media produced or approved by The Way, The Church.

Children's Ministry

A high-energy ministry which provides a safe and supervised environment for children from 6-12 years old using CHRIST centered activities.

Crew for CHRIST

A young males’ high energetic dance group prepared to usher in the presence of GOD.

Deacons' Ministry

Deacons serve in love, help, encourage, give aid and support to the extent that each member grows in grace and maturity in CHRIST JESUS. 

Finance Ministry

Responsible for collecting, counting and verifying all monies received in the Church.

GOD's Anointing

A young women’s dance group prepared to usher in the presence of GOD through dance.

Graphics Ministry

Provides high quality professional services using the latest graphics software and computer systems.

Guest Service

Responsible for obtaining the personal information from guests and make them feel welcomed to The Way, The Church.

Hospitality Ministry

Provides good nutritious food for the physical body plus prepares the Communion table for the LORD’s Supper.  The ministry cooks and serves on Sundays and any other events/meetings requested by Pastor or First Lady.

Intercessory Prayer

Responsible for standing in the gap for our Man and Woman of GOD, our Church and any prayer request deemed necessary from our Pastors.

Music Ministry

Ministers to the LORD in song by singing and playing instruments.  The song service should be well pleasing to our Pastors plus encourage the congregants to praise and worship the LORD in the Sanctuary.

Nursery Ministry

A high-energy ministry providing a safe and supervised environment for all children from infancy to six years old using CHRIST centered activities. All workers have been live scanned.


A team of health care professionals who are able to assist and serve our members in emergency and non-emergency situations during Church services.

Praise Dancers

An adult dance group focused on ushering in the presence of GOD in praise and worship through dance.

Television Ministry

Responsible for recording and editing all video productions for Sunday services including any other events/meetings requested by Pastor or First Lady.

Ushers & Greeters Ministry

Demonstrates the excellence of GOD by providing a friendly smiling face creating an atmosphere of genuine welcome and concern for all who attend The Way, The Church services and special events.  The Ushers and Greeters serve congregational needs with loving hospitality and professionalism thus enhancing the worship experience.

Youth Ministry

This ministry’s goal is to raise up mighty, militant, strong young soldiers for the LORD JESUS CHRIST.

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© 2022 by The Way, The Church.

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