What We Believe
We believe that the Bible is verbally inspired in 66 books of the Old and New Testaments as originally written by writers who were directly controlled by the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD.
We believe in the tri-unity of GOD: That the eternal GOD manifests HIMSELF in three persons: GOD the FATHER, GOD the SON and GOD the HOLY SPIRIT and that these three are one GOD, but separate in personality and work.
We believe in the incarnation and virgin birth of JESUS CHRIST, in HIS sinless life, and in the sufficiency and substitution of HIS death on the cross for the sins of the whole world; in HIS bodily resurrection from the dead and HIS ascension to Heaven; and in HIS visible, bodily return to this earth in the future.
We believe that man’s greatest need is personal salvation through faith in JESUS CHRIST as LORD and SAVIOR, apart from any works of the law or any human merit.
We believe in the spiritual unit of all believers who are regenerated, baptized, indwelled and sealed by the HOLY SPIRIT and in the necessity of being filled with the SPIRIT for an effective Christian life and witness.
We believe that GOD’s plan for this present age involves the evangelization of the world through the witness of every believer in JESUS CHRIST, and the establishment and growth of local churches as the means of accomplishing HIS purposes.
We believe that GOD has established marriage as a union, vow, ceremony and covenant, between a male and a female in the beginning of HIS creation (Genesis 1:27) (Genesis 2:24). We believe the ceremony is a worship service to a man born male and a woman born female (1 Corinthians 7:2). We believe that GOD has created man and woman with clear biological differences intentionally, in HIS own image, to be joined as husband and wife as HE instructed. We believe that deviation from this communal practice and biological gender observance is a contradiction to the Word of GOD's teachings and practices, and leads to spiritual, emotional and physical consequences. We believe that ALL humans have fallen short of the glory of GOD, and through repentance and discipleship ALL individuals have the opportunity for salvation and restoration through JESUS CHRIST. Wedding ceremonies are Christian worship services. Therefore, we, The Way, The Church, restrict the use of ministry facilities and any services in direct accordance with this ministry's Biblical beliefs, practices and guidelines for religious purposes. (Leviticus 18:22) (Deuteronomy 22:5) (1 Corinthians 6:9-11), (Romans 1:18, 26, 27, 32) (1 Timothy 4:1-3, 2 Timothy 4:3-5, Jude 1:3-7) (2 Peter 2:6) (Romans 3:23)
Meet Bishop W. A. Garrett
Bishop W. A. Garrett is the Pastor, founder and organizer of The Way, The Church of Inglewood in the city of Inglewood, California. Originally from Kansas City, Missouri, Bishop was saved at a young age in a Seventh Day Adventist church, but baptized Baptist when he joined Pleasant Green Baptist Church in Kansas City, Kansas, Dr. David L. Gray, Pastor. As a strong soul winner and Sunday School teacher, he was given a scholarship from the Kansas City Baptist Temple under leadership of Dr. Truman Dollar, to begin his ministerial education here in California.
Bishop Garrett has been married to the beautiful Mrs. S. L. Garrett for 53 years and has five adult children , 10 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
He was an Area Director of the World Christian Training Center under the leadership of the late Dr. E. V. Hill, former Pastor of Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church. Bishop was the past area president of the Moral Majority of Southern California under the leadership of Dr. Jerry Falwell. He served on the board of directors for five consecutive years with the Conservative Baptist Association of Southern California and was given responsibility as Area Pastor of 20 Conservative Baptist churches.

He was the first African American to graduate from Pacific Coast Baptist Bible College and was formerly the youth minister at his home church, Good Shepherd Baptist Church of Los Angeles under the leadership of Dr. Joseph L. Griffin, Pastor. In an effort to further his education, Bishop Garrett enrolled at the Total Word Concept Institute where he received his Bachelors of Arts degree in Sacred Studies. He is also working on his Masters and Doctorate degrees at the same institute.
This soul winning preacher of the Word of GOD has taught Sunday School, Baptist Training Union (BTU), as well as Bible study courses at Los Angeles Bible Training school in Los Angeles under the Leadership of Dr. Alonso Lavert. He has also taught Beginning Greek at the Total Word Concept Institute. Beyond all that he is an excellent singer, anointed Gospel teacher and preacher of the Word of GOD who excels in restoration of families, marriages, healing and helping those in bondage to be delivered from substance abuse.